live life sustainably


Stereosurf Creative, offers fully inclusive product developement from branding experiences online, in media, or in physical products to be sold! With the environment in mind, all products can inspire, encourage, and sustain a more beautiful future! 

Product Development/ Management

Product Development/ Management


Working with sustainable fabrics, water based printing, and Los Angeles based production. The products we wear, use, and support are creating the change in environmental impact that we hope to see! 

These are all estimates, all projects are subject to a specific project quote.

Product Development - Per each style or Product Design

This is taking concept and getting it ready to be produced. Sourcing materials, creating tech packs, fitting, making small adjustments, prepping for production, finding trims, building cut markers, maximizing yield, and finalizing samples for production sew bys.

Production Management - $500 deposit to start, usually 30% on top of your production cost to be paid as management fee.

When your product is ready to be produced, all technical aspect are ready, you have sourced your materials, your production house have everything on hand and ready to go. Then we create a minimum unit based on your product, your color ways, styles, and cost to produce. Creating a Purchase Order is the first step so that I can create my rate based on the quantity of pieces made.

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